Friday, February 11, 2011

After just a week..

So this was our first full week from Monday to Friday.. (but this is our 2nd week of  home school) In just a week  my daughters hand writing has improved a lot.. (just to compare for our very first day of  home school.. and today..)
This is from our first day of Home school
This is her handwriting as of today (2/11/11) Just 9 days different.

This is because I am able to sit one on one with her and able to work on handwriting skills..She writes much neater, smaller and her letters are closer together in stead of  all over, big and spread out.

"Our class room is even getting brighter..and here's what it's beginning to look like"

The "sight words" for next week.. We added an extra word to the list. We use these words also as the weekly spelling words..

The "victory wall" to show off all my little stars bright work :)

Adding artwork to our chalk board! 

"Other things my daughter is learning"

The other night I ask my daughter what she wanted to learn about that wasn't from her work book and other subject. (Trying to introduce some Science to her a little at a time) I asked her.."Do you want to learn about clouds, Flowers or the Human body.." and she said "the human body.."  So, on Wednesday, (which is our library day) we checked out a book on the human body.. and This is the book we got..

This book talks about everything.. It has questions and then it explains it. It has big, colorful pictures and explains it  in a way a 5 year old would understand.. She loves this book, and she is learning things she didn't even know before..(For example.. It tells you that you have hair all over your body except for on the palm of your hands and the soles of your feet.. and some hairs are so small that you can not even see them.) She is learning how the digestive system works..How the heart brings blood all over your body.. How your body needs oxygen.. etc. 

We also got a "easy-reader" book.. that is easy for her to read on her own.. Once she is able to master this level then I will move her to the next level. She is doing a lot better then she has ever been able to read on her own. This is the book we got. 

Well, that's all for now.. Thanks for reading.. Feel free to comment as long as it's nice :)

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