Saturday, February 26, 2011

It just clicks..

So, yesterday when we were doing math I decided to take a break from working on the basic adding and subtracting problems(we will probably go back to it later on)..Instead, I introduced my daughter to "Place Value" (just tens place and ones place) I just wanted to see IF she would even understand it.. So, I explained it to her and helped her with the first 2. After that she told me to stop helping her and said .."Mom.. I don't need any help..I got it..I can do it on my own..." So, I let her do it on her own.. When she was finished she let me know. When I went back to check her work to see how she did..She had gotten every single one right.. I was so proud of her..Just like she was proud of herself.. I have never seem something click that fast for her.. Not saying that she's slow..or needs to have something explained to her over and over again before she gets it...However, with this, she got it right away and was able to do it in a "snap"

Well, that's all for now.. Thanks for reading..Feel free to comment as long as it's nice :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Something is sinking in..

Yesterday when we were on the way to pick my husband up from work my daughter was in the back seat listing off things. Like, mom,dad,car,library, dog cat.. (and going on and on.. ) I asked her what she was talking about..She answers me back .."Mommy, I'm saying nouns.." Then she started listing verbs.. "drive, sing, play, swing, jump, run.."

We just started this in her work book a week ago..I am so proud of her. She is really picking up on the things I teach her.

She learns a lot like I used to have to learn things when I was in school.. I show her ways for her to learn the material in ways she will understand. So, seeing her sit in the back seat and list off nouns and verbs let's me see that I must be doing something right, because, things are sinking in. :)

Well, Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment if you want. As long as it's nice.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Our first Home school group Co-op (Valentine's party)

This was our very first time at our new home school group.. It was so much fun.. We got there and the kids handed out their Valentine's cared to one another.. and then went out to play for a while..My neighbor who also home schools her kids introduced me to this group. I was so happy to have a familiar face there with me.. and not just going to a group and not knowing anyone there.I started talking with the other moms.. and my daughter jumped right in.. and started to play and having a great time. Here's what  we did at our party..

She was very happy.. and had a great time.. and we can not wait until next time..

We might have had a full day of fun.. but we did fit our school work in today.. We worked on most of it before we left and finished what we had left once we got back home.

This warms me so much to see my baby girl so happy :)

Well, that's all for now.. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment as long as it/'s nice :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

After just a week..

So this was our first full week from Monday to Friday.. (but this is our 2nd week of  home school) In just a week  my daughters hand writing has improved a lot.. (just to compare for our very first day of  home school.. and today..)
This is from our first day of Home school
This is her handwriting as of today (2/11/11) Just 9 days different.

This is because I am able to sit one on one with her and able to work on handwriting skills..She writes much neater, smaller and her letters are closer together in stead of  all over, big and spread out.

"Our class room is even getting brighter..and here's what it's beginning to look like"

The "sight words" for next week.. We added an extra word to the list. We use these words also as the weekly spelling words..

The "victory wall" to show off all my little stars bright work :)

Adding artwork to our chalk board! 

"Other things my daughter is learning"

The other night I ask my daughter what she wanted to learn about that wasn't from her work book and other subject. (Trying to introduce some Science to her a little at a time) I asked her.."Do you want to learn about clouds, Flowers or the Human body.." and she said "the human body.."  So, on Wednesday, (which is our library day) we checked out a book on the human body.. and This is the book we got..

This book talks about everything.. It has questions and then it explains it. It has big, colorful pictures and explains it  in a way a 5 year old would understand.. She loves this book, and she is learning things she didn't even know before..(For example.. It tells you that you have hair all over your body except for on the palm of your hands and the soles of your feet.. and some hairs are so small that you can not even see them.) She is learning how the digestive system works..How the heart brings blood all over your body.. How your body needs oxygen.. etc. 

We also got a "easy-reader" book.. that is easy for her to read on her own.. Once she is able to master this level then I will move her to the next level. She is doing a lot better then she has ever been able to read on her own. This is the book we got. 

Well, that's all for now.. Thanks for reading.. Feel free to comment as long as it's nice :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"plant a seed and watch it grow"

There is nothing more rewarding then to see my daughter figure a problem out(regardless if it's English and finding a noun or verb.. or a Math problem.. or sounding out a "big" word all on her own..) and she looks up at me with such excitement in her eyes.. and a BIG smile on her face (something I might add I would miss if she would be in public school) and say to me "Mommy, I did it.. I did it all by myself!" How great is that?? Since we started home school (yes.. in just a short amount of time.. but just comes to show how fast things change in such a short period of time) my daughter has picked up on a lot.. for example.. before we started home school she never knew.. what a noun or verb was.. how to add and subtract .. how to write a sentence..that a verb is a word that tells what a noun is doing.. what a long hand and a short hand means on a clock..knowing her left from her right.. able to memorize spelling words and sight words..and have me verbally call them out to her and she can spell them with out any help..The list could go on and on.. But my point is.. I am teaching her all this..In ways she understands.. and is able to sponge it all up..and I feel very proud of myself and her, because I know how well she is doing.. She is already way ahead of all of her old school mates.. (I know this, because we have been working on a whole grade level work book higher then they were in her old class room in a public school)  So, when all of her old school mates are starting the new school year at the beginning  of  the first grade level my daughter will be over half way done with 1st grade work and beginning of 2nd grade! :)  

Well, that's all for now.. Feel free to comment if you want.. but only if it's nice :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Able to relax before we start.

Like this morning.. I woke up at 7:15.. A little before I usually do (only by like 20 minutes).. I came down and was able to relax a little..My daughter even woke up and was able to sit and relax next to me.. Instead of our old morning routine.. had to get up when I wasn't ready to get up.. some mornings only have about 15 minutes to myself..(if I didn't get up at 6:30am) Then at 7:15 I would go in to the kitchen and fix my daughters oatmeal in the micro wave.. and then go up stairs and wake her up.. and fight with her to get up and get dressed.. ( it would usually be a fight every morning..) then rush down stairs.. and have her eat and while she was eating I would make her lunch for school..Then get her shoes on.. Brush her hair and teeth.. then we only had 5 minutes before we had to leave.. Bottom line is.. We had to rush..but now.. We can take our time.. We still start at 8:30 in the morning.. but I allow my daughter to sleep until 8 o'clock instead of waking her up at 7:15.. Usually she will wake up before then.. but on her own time and she is much happier in the morning. She has time to take her time and eat and not have to be rushed.

So in our day.. We start at 8:30.. we finish around 11.. then we are done with our school work for the day.. Then I fix lunch.

I then do any chores that need to be done.. I make myself stay busy in the afternoons..Like today.. I need to wash laundry..Wash dishes.. go to the bank.. buy groceries.. put gas in the van.. etc.. I also have to get things ready for my daughters birthday party with our neighbors this Saturday..

I can honestly say that I keep busy..Get my daughters school work done..and what a "Stay-At-Home-Mom" should do in a day.. I feel very accomplished at the end of my days.. We are all very happy..

Well. That's all for now.. Feel free to comment if you want.. As long as it's nice :) 

Monday, February 7, 2011

"our classroom is just where ever we happen to be.."

This morning we knew we had someplace to go.. so we just got up a little later then we would normally.. We got up a little after 8:00 this morning..(Well, I was up and awake before then..and took my shower) My daughter on the other hand just woke up when she wanted.. And came in to her dad and my bedroom as I was getting dressed.. and climbed up in to our bed and laid back down.. After I was dressed I sat on the bed with her.. and we played, and talked about things.. and then of course, woke her dad up.. (Oh well, he had to wake up anyways... Like I said it was after 8 o'clock in the morning)  I had her get dressed and tell me what she wanted for breakfast. Then I went down stairs and told her once she was done to come meet me down stairs to eat breakfast.. Anyways, Since we were not able to start our normal time of 8:30.. We took her work with us..I dropped her dad off at a place to get what her needed to get done.. While waiting in the van for my husband to come out from his meeting we got started on her school work.. It helped pass the time.. and It also help us not get to far behind on our schedule today.. Once we got back home, I told my daughter to go up to our "class room" and sit at her desk..We finished our work, and then had time for art before it was time for lunch. She loves the days we do art projects. This is what she made today as her art project.. (she gets to pick out what she wants to do and she is able to make it her own..)

Well, that's all for today.. I will write again soon, Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.. as long as it's nice :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

An inside look at our "class room"

Our awesome calender :)

My daughters All Star wall..With all her GREAT work :)

Her "sight words" from last week..She knew them very well.

My Kindergarten girl is working on 1st Grade work..And is not struggling with it..Her mind is a sponge :)

Her Handwriting book

Working on her Math..Yes this is 1st Grade level.

Working on telling time and the Value of money..Already :)

Working in her handwriting book

She is working on Verbs.. again this is 1st Grade level :)

Her "sight words" for this upcoming week..PS.. she already knows them.

"find the ending sounds"

She knows what Nouns are..

Again.. finding the ending sounds

She was able to spell these words all on her own..and found all the vowels in each word :)

We are still working on some Kindergarten.. Such as practicing her hand writing.. and sight words (which she is getting a lot better at..and it helps her reading skills, too.

Well Thanks for reading.. feel free to leave comments.. as long as its nice :)