Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What we have been up to lately..Part 2

So.. Getting back to what we have been up to lately..

Besides just doing things at home.. We also have gotten involved in things at our church. Grace is in the Children's choir on Sunday nights. She is in Class called "Sparks" it's a part of AWANA..And for those of you who might not know what AWANA is..It's a group that gets together once a week  (on Wednesday nights) and there are different age group classes that teach kids about the Bible. They study and learn Bible verses and The kids love it. They have fun activities and sing, play games and get the chance to make friends.

So.. my fear of my daughter not getting the socialization she needs is no question any more (which a lot of people fear when you tell them about home schooling) My daughter is getting a lot of time to interaction with not just kids her own age.. but older and younger. So, between our home school group and the things my daughter is evolved in  at our church she's got plenty of friend to socialize with. :)

Other things we have been working on lately is..I have been working on reviewing the sight words she already learned. She can read them and spell them. Even after a month of not going over them she still knows them. My daughter is now able to read a level 1 book on her own with out any help from me.. She will sit there and sound out a word if she doesn't know what it is. I will shortly be moving her from a level 1 to a level 2. (In fact we are going to the Library today we might get a level 2 book to see how well she does)

I am so proud of her..and amazed on how much she has learned in just under 2 months (April 1st will be 2 month mark) Others who I talk to and tell them how much she is able to do and already..And they see her work and get to see how much she knows. They are amazed,too!  We absolutely LOVE home schooling! :)

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What we've been up to lately..(Part 1)

Well, Since my last post (which was almost a month ago) we went went on a Geocaching.."What is a Geocaching?.."  Watch this video to find out.. This was so much fun.. and the kids in our home school group had a great time.. and all worked together..It was GREAT! :)

We had a St. Patrick's Day Co-op with our home school group. All the kids (and moms) wore GREEN =D The head mom of the group put together a game for all the kids to figure out. clues to their "treasures"..The clues lead them from one mom to the next..Until they were done.

You know home schooling is not all just about sitting inside the house(or a class room) everyday..and having them do their "school work" in a text/work book.. Which we do on a normal school day. Children (and not just my daughter) can learn from the things in the world around them.You will be amazed on HOW MUCH they will learn and pick up from just being outside and being around their friends..and play with nature..and asking questions..and getting their answers.

Kids ask "WHY" about things all the time.. and when they do..they are learning about things when we (the adults in most cases) explain to them...If there is something you both are not sure of.. you can look it up on the internet..or check a book out at the library..etc.

My daughter is so far ahead right now (No, I have not had her tested to prove this..YET..but I can.. and others can see how much she has learned since we began home schooling) In fact we are so far ahead right now..I am trying to slow down a little bit so we do not get TO far ahead of ourselves.. She has already gotten through over half of her 1st grade work book. We will be done for the summer (well,we will still probably work on some stuff during the summer) May 2nd.  We do not have to go until June 10th like they would be doing in public school..Simply, because, We will work some over the summer.

(To be continued)

That is all for now.. I will write more later.. Comments are welcome :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our one month Homeschool milestone..

So, a month ago today we started homeschooling. It has been the best month and a lot has both mine and my daughters life.

At the beginning of the month my daughters hand writing was big,messy and widely spread (spaced). Most of her numbers she couldn't even form correctly (2,5,7,8,4). She could barely count higher 12 with out going from 10,11,12,14,17..(20 she said it was 12). When she would write words she would mix capital letter with lower case letters.. (cAt). She had no idea how to write a sentence. She knew what a "period, question mark and an exclamation point" were but didn't know how to use them. When it came to adding and subtracting, she didn't understand that you had to take two groups of numbers together to find the answer..etc.

A mouth later.. Her hand writing is much smaller,neater and she actually writes on regular notebook paper and is able to write on the line. She knows that you are supposed to start a sentence with a capital letter and ens it with a ".?!"  Her numbers are all written correctly and they all look like numbers (instead of a 2 look like a Z..and a 8 looked like two circles on top of each other..)
She also knows the following:
- what a noun,verb and describing words
-what a synonym and antonyms is.
- how to add and subtract numbers up to 15
- place value (hunders, tens and ones place)
- constant blends (bl,tr,th,st,pl..etc..)
-short and long vowels
- when there is a "silent e" at the end of a word the 1st vowel will say it's name
- sequence of events (what comes first.second, third and fourth in a story)
-contractions (I'll, she's, it's...)

This is just to list a handful of things I have taught her since we started home schooling.

Other things we have been able to do, that she was not able to do in public school..We start our day when we want..Although, most mornings I do like to start at the same time at 8:30 but if there is ever a day were my daughter didn't go to bed until late. I will let her sleep in and allow her to wake up when she is ready to wake up.

Other things that have changed is my daily schedule has never been better. After we finish our school work I fix lunch and allow my daughter to play on I do laundry and dishes everyday. I dress the beds every morning..and nothing is dragging out on the floor..Shoot I was so motivated the other day I cleaned out a closet and organized it and had 5 bags for Good Will when I was done! :)

Choosing to homeschool was one of the best decisions I have ever made.I am happy and most importantly my daughter is happy!

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment as long as it's nice